Gertrud Boss Str 5, Kleve • 47533 Kleve
• Germany • 004917670330628
Stanowisko: 69
Birla Precision Technologies Ltd (BPT) the erstwhile Birla Kennametal Ltd was established in 1986, as a joint venture company between YBG and Kennametal Inc, USA In July 2007. YBG acquired the stake of Kennametal in the JV consequent upon which Birla Kennametal was renamed as “Birla Precision Technologies” (BPT). BPT manufactures and supplies to countries such as–USA, Germany and APAC supplying rotating tool holders in AT3 class. Besides, BPT also exports in a large way to other major customers globally to more than 30 Countries.
Indian Tool Manufacturers (ITM) – A division of Birla Precision Technologies Ltd., is pioneer in manufacturing of HSS Cutting Tools, established in the year 1937, ITM is the known for its high quality HSS drills, taps, end mills, reamers, cutters and tool bits.